RECOGNISING that loss of global biodiversity is linked with increasing violence toward people whoput their lives at risk to defend nature and related human rights;
NOTING that environmental human and peoples’ rights defenders and whistleblowers are anyindividual or group working to protect or promote human rights in the context of the environment,such as the defence of land rights, access to natural resources and the evolving discussions on theright to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment, and that they are oft en members ofindigenous and traditional communities who can play a key role in combating environmentalcrime and should be legally recognised and protected; in accordance with national and/orinternational laws.
ACKNOWLEDGING increasing human rights abuses against environmental defenders, especiallywomen, their families and associates, including killings, threats, intimidation, harassment, gender-based violence, smear campaigns, criminalisation, and forced displacement, such that in 2020alone, at least 331 environmental and human rights defenders were killed for defending theirhomes, lands and natural resources, with more than half of the cases occurring in Latin America(from
Front Line Defenders Global Analysis 2020
); and ALSO ACKNOWLEDGING that mining,forestry or agro-industrial projects, and in some places, even conservation, have led to abuses;
NOTING resolution 8/12 of the Conference of States Parties (COSP) under the United NationsConvention against Corruption (UNCAC) which encourages States Parties, and in conformity withnational legislation, to consider establishing and developing, where appropriate, confidentialcomplaint systems, whistleblower protection programmes, including protected reporting systems,and eff ective witness protection measures, and to increase awareness of such measures;Read More