Indigenous Women’s Voices on Climate Change

It is clear that climate change is already causing widespread socio-economic
and environmental loss and human suffering. Studies have shown that global
warming and extreme weather conditions may have calamitous human
rights consequences for millions of people. Global warming is one of the
leading causes and greatest contributors to world hunger, malnutrition,
exposure to disease and declining access to water. Climate change affects
the economic and social rights of countless individuals. This includes their
rights to food, health and shelter. However, its impact is not felt equally.
People experience the impact of climate change in different ways. For
instance, an indigenous pastoralist woman has a very different experience
of climate change to an indigenous man. Indigenous women have different
adaptation needs, depending on where they live, how they sustain their
livelihoods and the roles they play in their families and communities.
Indigenous women’s productive role of ensuring provision of food, water
and energy for their families, their role in their traditional food systems
and the traditional knowledge they hold, practice and transmit to future
generations, are all impacted by the effects of climate change.

Read more here:

Indigenous Women Voices on Climate change


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