Indigenous women and Biodiversity Network ( IWBN)

The IUCN World Conservation Congress 2016

The IUCN World Conservation Congress is the world’s largest and most democratic conservation forum. The Congress is held after every four years. In 2016, the IUCN Congress took place in September in Hawai’i. The theme of the IUCN World Conservation Congress 2016 was ‘Planet at the Crossroads’ to reflect the serious choices and actions the world needs to make to reverse environmental declines and secure a healthy, livable planet.

Over 10,000 leaders from government, civil society, indigenous Peoples communities, faith and spiritual traditions, the private sector and academia gathered to discuss and vote on key conservation issues and elect leaders to take these issues forward over the next four years. The IUCN World Conservation Congress 2016 built on the Paris Agreement, the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda (SDGs), the Promise of Sydney (World Parks Congress 2014), Aichi Biodiversity Targets and other international agreements to find common ground in a spirit of partnership and collaboration. The Congress concluded with the adoption of IUCN Global Programme 2017-2020, the Hawai’i Commitments as well as 100 Resolutions voted on by governments and other stakeholders.

Indigenous Women Biodiversity Network was happy to have her members to attend this congress. Participation for Indigenous women and other Indigenous Peoples in the congress was important. In such a conferences it was important not only to be visible but also to enhance the capacity of both the Indigenous women and those attending to learn from each other and share experiences.

Russia sharing where Indigenous Peoples form Russia live

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IWBN Profiles IUCN 2016


IUCN 2016 World Conservation Congress Report

HulikoaKaiaulu IWBN Sep6

Presentation for Hawaii MUEDA Thai

Life in Hawaii Mueda Experience


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