Naturing Future Indigenous Women Leaders

When we formed the Indigenous Women Biodiversity Network we
never thought we could go this far. Today we say thank you to you
all who supported us through the years.
Netherlands center for Indigenous Peoples, the Secretariat of the
Convention on Biological Diversity, The Parties to the Convention
on Biological diversity who have supported our recommendations
during the Conferences since 4th conference of the parties to date,
the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity. Our Partners
who for a long time supported and still support us, the Christensen
Fund. To All our Indigenous women whom we started together in
1998 and have moved on to other areas of work and to those who
today still work with us all. To the different Partners we continue
working with we cannot say thank you enough. We look forward to
your continued partnership.
For the Young Indigenous women who helped us compile this report,
Malia Nobrega, Winnie Kodi and Viviana Figueroa, Thank you.
Thank you everyone and lets keep up our great work. Read more here;

IWBN 2020 (naturing future indigenous women leaders)

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